David specializes in developing and updating the reliability maintenance program for the $12B+ assets across the complex as a Branch Manager at National Aerospace Solutions. The AHA branch performs reliability engineering, item management and data analysis; metric development and trending; and reliability modeling for assets ranging from 82K hp motors to 50K gpm pumps to the 161kv electrical distribution system for the base. David is a Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP) and has 37 years’ experience at AEDC in maintenance and reliability.
Thom H. Boehm is a knitting machine technician at Stanfield’s Ltd., a textile mill in rural Nova Scotia, Canada. He has worked there for...
Will Bower is the Director of Services with Maintain CM based in the United Kingdom. Will strives to help engineering managers achieve reliability excellence...
Eng. Shami Mudunkotuwa is a product of the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa (UoM), Sri Lanka and a Chartered Engineer currently working...