David specializes in developing and updating the reliability maintenance program for the $12B+ assets across the complex as a Branch Manager at National Aerospace Solutions. The AHA branch performs reliability engineering, item management and data analysis; metric development and trending; and reliability modeling for assets ranging from 82K hp motors to 50K gpm pumps to the 161kv electrical distribution system for the base. David is a Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP) and has 37 years’ experience at AEDC in maintenance and reliability.
Matt Stegmiller is currently a Rotating Equipment Reliability Engineer at Marathon Petroleum. He has a varied background that includes manufacturing, consulting, project management, power...
President of MotorDoc LLC, a Veteran Owned Small Business, 2017-18 Chair of the Society for Maintenance Professionals (SMRP). Performing reliability and maintenance consulting, program...
Suzane Greeman is the President and Principal Asset Management Advisor of Greeman Asset Management Solutions, a firm headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is a...